Oak Woodlands Around Us

Volunteers gather to watch oak seedling planting demonstration at the Varian Family's V6 Ranch near Parkfield on February 2, 2008. Doug McCreary of the University of California Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program and local UCCE colleague Bill Tietje were on hand to assist with training. More than 60 volunteers came out to help plant 1,000 valley oak seedlings in one day. The project was supported by the Varian Family and the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation District's Environmental Quality Incentives Program. The educational component was supported by a grant from the California Wildlife Conservation Board to the UCCE/Native Tree Committee of San Luis Obispo County. Photo by Bill Tietje.
Local oak woodland photo submissions are welcome; please contact us for details
Santa Margarita is located in the heart of San Luis Obispo County's oak woodlands; some of the region's best stands of valley oak can be seen around this rural town. This page is designed to facilitate public access to local oak education, conservation, stewardship resources available through the Native Tree Committee of San Luis Obispo County.* Links
San Luis Obispo Co. Oak Education, Conservation & Stewardship Resources
SLO County Native Tree Stewardship Award
The nomination deadline for this year's award is June 13,2008. The 2008 award will be presented during Cattlemen and Farmers' Day at the California Mid-State Fair on July 24, 2008.
Those who want to recognize and honor an agricultural individual or group that has demonstrated outstanding and innovative stewardship of local native woodlands. Past recipients include Jack and Zee Varian, Bill and Mavis Hartzell, Jim and Steve Sinton, Cuesta Ridge Vineyards, Dick and Doris Montague, Mike Bonnheim and Aaron Lazanoff. Download
SLO County Oak Woodlands Management Plan
Adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors on April 27,2004
Private landowners and land managers, agricultural and conservation groups Download PDF (786KB)
"Native Tree Management Guidelines for SLO County"
Color brochure
Private landowners and land managers, agricultural and conservation groups Download PDF, (Page 2)
"How to Plant Acorns and Grow Mighty Oaks in SLO County"
Private landowners and land managers, agricultural and conservation groups Download PDF (548KB)
"Mighty Oaks" Newsletter - Late Summer/Early Fall 2007 All who love oaks! Download PDF (30MB)
"Living Among the Oaks of SLO County"
Powerpoint presentation (25-45 min.) for the classroom or community meeting
Jr. High and High School Teachers, College Instructors, Community Groups interested in learning more about local oak biology, ecology and conservation. Preview
Request volunteer presenter
San Luis Obispo County Oak Woodland Stewardship Program
Powerpoint presentation
All interested in finding out more about "Working and Learning Among the Oaks" in SLO County. Download (35 MB)
Additionally, a variety of outstanding print resources are available through our local UC Cooperative Extension Office, 2156 Sierra Way, Suite C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 ~ (805)781-5940 ~ http://cesanluisobispo.ucdavis.edu/
* Established in 1997, the mission of the Native Tree Committee of San Luis Obispo County is to promote the voluntary planting and conservation of native trees through education, propagation and stewardship throughout the county. This diverse group of volunteers includes ranchers, vineyard operators and representatives of various agricultural and environmental organizations. Members come together monthly to plan, organize, do and evaluate projects that promote and sustain the long-term health of San Luis Obispo County's native woodlands. CONTACT: Bill Tietje at 781-5938 / btietje@co.slo.ca.us or NTC Co-chairs Tina Salter, tinasalter41@sbcglobal.net, and Dan Westigard, dawestigard@aol.com