Oak Woodlands Links

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service ~ California
Practical and educational conservation resources for farmers, ranchers, communities, volunteers, teachers and students

University of California Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program
Established in 1986 to ensure sustainability of the State's 10 million acres of hardwood rangeland

California Oak Mortality Task Force
Clearinghouse for Sudden Oak Death news and information

Hastings Reserve ~ Introduction to Oak Woodlands ~ Natural History Overview
Hastings is a Biological Field Station of the University of California, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Natural Reserve System; site provides in-depth look at biology and ecology of oak woodlands as well as practical information for ranchers and educational resources for teachers.

Hastings Illustrated Guide to Oaks of California
Useful key to oak trees found in California

California Oak Foundation
Nonprofit organization, founded in 1988, dedicated to preservation of the state's oak forest ecosystems and rural landscapes

Kaweah Oaks
This is a wonderful site for Santa Margarita School students, teachers and families who want to learn about the natural history of oak woodlands and inhabitants.