This online tour will help you learn about some of the trees that grow in Santa Margarita. Follow the trail (see online map) to find beautiful young trees that have been planted and lovingly cared for by residents. Stop to gaze up into the magnificent canopy of a majestic old oak, an enduring treasure of the natural landscape.

Perhaps your tour will inspire you to appreciate trees, care for them and get involved in efforts to plant trees for tomorrow. Trees keep us cool, beautify the landscape and provide homes for wildlife. See if you can find a favorite!

Start the online tour | Pop up the online map

* Developed with partial support from the California ReLeaf 2000 Capacity Building Grant Program

Photos contributed by Simone Smith and Beverly Gingg. All photographs are of actual trees on the trail except for the current picture of the Chinese pistache. This tree was not putting on much of a fall show so we chose a more colorful specimen for the picture.