Workday at the Demonstration Forest
Saturday, March 3,2001, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
(Early birds started tractor work at 7 a.m.)

In addition to handling maintenance duties at the DF, this was our first chance to dig into the "around the corner" native landscaping project. Jobs completed at the new site: selective removal of junipers, general clean-up, pruning, and planting (1 sycamore, 5 western redbuds). At the DF, the to-do list included these tasks: weeding, repairing pathway, picking up litter, transplanting the matilija poppy, "digging in" boulders, and planting a coast redwood. The landscaping project is off to a good start and the FOREST looks great thanks to: Central Coast AmeriCorps Environmental Stewards (CCACES) - Hillary Peterson, Gary Johnston, Lora Klemann, Damiana Thompson, Jarrett Krentzel, Joshua Carmichael, Marti Johnson, and Matt Barton (SLO Community School); and SMCF volunteers - the Gunther, Smith, Starke and Rock-Arndt (2/25) families, George Sullivan (on the tractor), Tess Grimes, John Wyman, and Beverly Gingg. We are also grateful to the Atascadero Unified School District Facilities Department for ongoing support and cooperation. Thanks to all who helped get the work done and made it fun!

Central Coast AmeriCorps Environmental Stewards + John Wyman (front L, plaid jacket), SMCF volunteer and andcaping project supervisor, after finishing a day's work at the Demonstration Forest

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