"Summer into Fall" Workday at the Santa Margarita School Demonstration Forest

The Santa Margarita School Demonstration Forest, located along the H St. entrance to school, has been spruced up for the beginning of the new school year thanks to an energetic crew of volunteers who came together for the August 21 "super workday" organized by Mark Elliott. "Tree Amigos" who pitched in to help included Jerry Spruill (aka "the tool guy"), Jim Patterson, Tom and Simone Smith, Mark Tomes, Bev Gingg, Brendan Elliott, and David, Joseph and Thomas Arndt. Regular workdays are held 9 - 11 AM on the second Saturday of each month, October through May, to maintain this learning landscape for all to use and enjoy.

The August 21 workday crew takes a break from clearing "pooped out poppies" and weeds at the Santa Margarita School Demonstration Forest (DF).

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