Scenes from the Demonstration Forest and
"Around the Corner" Landscape Project Workday
November 10,2001

Volunteers came together on this beautiful, "before the storm" fall day to plant natives, spread mulch, clear weeds and generally spruce up the Demonstration Forest area. Planting list included coast live oak (1-5 gal.), pink flowering currant (5 - 1 gal.), manzanita (6 - 1 gal.), Mexican Fremontia (5 - 1 gal.), Matilija poppy (1- 2 gal.), and sage (5- 5"). George Sullivan brought his tractor to help spread ten yards of mulch around the site. Simone Smith, proprietor of The Educated Gardener, carefully selected and delivered all of the plants. Thanks to AT"T for supporting purchase of plant materials and to these workday volunteers: Thomas and Simone Smith Family; Brenda Rice; Karen, Alison and Lauren Starke; Cal and Tami Gunther Family; Joan Collier; Beverly Gingg; Donna Ellis; and George and Levi Sullivan. Thanks also to David and Joseph Arndt, super volunteers at the October 13, 2001 workday.

Brenda filling watering can

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