Drawings From the Forest

Since 1999, hundreds of children, representing various schools and youth organizations, have participated in guided walking tours of Santa Margarita's community forest. We call these walking~learning tours “Field Trips to the Forest” and we are grateful to the California ReLeaf 2000 Capacity-Building Grant Program for supporting the 2000 tours. Students have especially enjoyed learning about the “owl oak,” a magnificent valley oak that is home to many wild animals, including a barn owl.


2nd grade, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Macias
Mary Buren Elementary School
May 18, 2001

2nd grade, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Macias
Mary Buren Elementary School
May 18, 2001

3rd grade, Mrs. Sprague
Mary Buren Elementary School
Guadalupe, CA
May 23, 2000

3rd grade, Mrs. Sprague
Mary Buren Elementary School
Guadalupe, CA
May 23, 2000

3rd grade, Mrs. Sprague
Mary Buren Elementary School
Guadalupe, CA
May 23, 2000

3rd grade, Ms.Towne
Mary Buren Elementary School
Guadalupe, CA
May 23, 2000

Robert Cabanas
3rd grade, Ms.Towne
Mary Buren Elementary School
Guadalupe, CA
May 23, 2000

3rd grade, Ms.Towne
Mary Buren Elementary School
Guadalupe, CA
May 23, 2000

Zaira Hernandez
2nd grade, Mrs. Lee
Mary Buren Elementary School
Guadalupe, CA
May 3, 1999